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Quick Start

This section is meant to get you set up with building your dictionary as quick as possible.

  1. Create a starter project: mothertongues new-project

    • you will be asked to provide a file location
    • the project created will contain sample data that can be immediately used to see the dicitionary in action
  2. Build and run your dictionary: mothertongues build-and-run "<FileLocationYouProvided>/config.mtd.json".

    • Your dictionary will be available on your computer at http://localhost:3636
    • Press ctrl+c to exit the server from your terminal.


    If you are customizing MTD code, and you want to see your changes deployed locally, you need to run the above commands within the poetry environment that was automatically setup for you upon local installation.

    This is can be done by including poetry run before all mothertongues commands or by activating your poetry env (poetry shell)

    Check out poetry documentation for more details