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Running Unit Tests Locally

All contributions to MotherTongues must pass unit tests before merging. To run unit tests locally, do the following.

MotherTongues Unit Tests

Unit tests for the MotherTongue repo are found in /mothertongues/tests/

Test runner is found in script.

Run Tests

Run all tests

If poetry is active, run

python dev

If not in poetry, run

poetry run python dev

Run specific tests

You can run individual test files like so:

poetry run python -m unittest

You can also run individual tests by providing the path to the test method

poetry run python -m unittest test_sorter.SorterTest.test_sort_formats

MotherTongues-UI Unit Tests

Front end tests are run using nx within the mothertongues-UI directory

cd mothertongues-UI
npx nx test mtd-mobile-ui


The above command assumes you have already installed the mtd-mobile-ui package. If not, first run npm install command